Sunday, November 23, 2014

Mixed media canvas....LOVE

 Good Day All!! I have been so busy making Christmas presents, that I haven't made anything just for fun lately!! And plus I can't post Christmas goodies!! But today I received some inspiration from a pinterest pin of a canvas painted and embellished  the opposite way, so I wanted to give it a shot. Unfortunately, I forgot to photograph every step, so all I have is beginning and end. I started with a blank canvas and used the back. I applied two coats of gesso and let dry.

After it was good and dry I applied some texture paste in a dot stencil on the canvas and wood framing and let that dry.

After that was dry I used alcohol inks in aqua, pink and yellow and sprayed 
the canvas vigorously!! Let dry.

After that was dry, I added a stamped phrase "live life to the fullest" on the canvas.
I then hot glued my letters on and flowers and DONE!!

Love the way this turned out...hope to add a full photo set from start to finish, 
when I attempt this again.  Thanks for looking and God Bless!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Snail Mail Mania

There is something about receiving mail, no not bills, but mail from friends or loved ones.
Especially pretty mail, decorated just for you. Pretty envelopes that someone took time on.
And then pretty words inside <3
I use to hate to write letters, hate it!! But now...I want them, and I want to write them, It may be shorter then maybe the average letter, but it is writing and keeping in touch with friends.
Why not reach out to a long distance friend this way with me? Why not reach out to me?
Want a pen pal? Let me know!
Let's send pretty mail to each other!!

Thanks for looking! God Bless!!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Hi! Long time no blog! Bible Journaling Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Hi Friends!!! What a busy busy week I have had, I haven't had time to craft or bible journal! Finally took the time tonight to sit down and journal a lovely verse from my daily Bible Study!! Once again I started out with Gesso and once dry, a coat of acrylic paint.
After that dried I then added a stencil pattern using dylusions spray ink in grape. I sprayed a few spots and then just flipped the stencil over and rubbed it on the bottom of my bible page, nice effect. 

After my ink dried I then added some rub ons and a little tag to my page.

Then I made my words, Heart, Soul, Strength and glued them to my page. Tonight's work was quick. I wish I could add about 2 hours to my day to craft. I do however like the way this page turned out. Colors are beautiful!! 

Thanks for looking and God Bless!!!

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Altered Sketch Book

"We are not one thing
We're drawn here together
My ocean and me"
In my Arms Lyrics by Jon Foreman

A lovely song by a lovely man. I made an altered sketch book for him for his 38th birthday. Jon is a surfer so I wanted this book to feel oceany. I used a plain black sketch book. First thing I did was add gesso to the cover and let dry. I then added a few layers of acrylic paint in Laguna! And I let that dry.

I then added some alcohol ink in drops and let them run down the front of the book. I added a little bit of white and yellow around the edges and then started playing with paper. Hand drew the clouds and just torn the ocean out of some paper.

Added some music note paper to the background and then handmade the words to this lovely song of his. Mod Podged everything on. After it dried I added a few more layers of Mod Podge.

Love the colors in this project....I think it feels oceany and I hope Jon enjoys sketching in this book for months....Hopefully some great songs will be wrote in this book!! Yay!!

Thanks for looking and God Bless!!!

Monday, October 20, 2014


Making ATCs is probably one of my favorite crafts. 
I have been making them 
since about 2009 and have traded on Flickr and SwapBot.
This ATC was a lot of fun to make!! First thing I did was glue an 
old tea stained filter on to an old playing card with Mod Podge. 

After the filter dried good I then glued a used dryer sheet to my 
ATC with Mod Podge.
 I also inked my dryer sheet with Dylusions spray ink. 

After my ATC was good and dry, then I started playing...I love messing around with 
fabrics to add texture. These were old quilt scraps and were sprayed 
with the Dylusions Ink Spray also.

After much playing this is what I ended up with. I used some old fabric, yarn and an old piece of jewelry to this card. Stamped and painted a butterfly, punched a hole in the top, 
tied some yarn on and  I was done!

Turned out really pretty, not sure if I want to trade it or keep it...Thanks for looking and God Bless!!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Bible Journaling Psalms 150

I cannot tell you how much I am enjoying Bible Journaling!! Love combining art and God's word.
Last night I focused on Psalms 150! It's all about praise!!

I of course prepped my page first with gesso. This page was the end page to Psalms so I had extra room to journal on. I also made a little card to attach to my page. Add gesso, distress ink and some music paper to my playing card.

After everything was good and dry I added my acrylic paint. I used the colors Island Blue, Citrus Green, and Orange. I love Bright colors!! They make me happy!

After that dried good I added all the details, which I forgot to photograph! Sorry! But this is what I did....I used stickers for my words and then put gesso over them, after they dried I peeled them off and outlined them with my black pen. Added a fer other details and a pretty heart to my card, attached it to my page with washi tape and all done. Turned out pretty!! Praise him!

Once again, Thanks for looking and God Bless!! Leave me a comment sometime :)

Friday, October 17, 2014

Bible Journaling Psalms 103

Today's craft time was spent in Bible Journaling. I recently purchased a NIV Notetaker's Bible and I love it. What a way to study the word of God. I am enjoying this very much. I start off by picking out a scripture or scriptures that have stood out to me in my bible study time. Today's scriptures were
 Psalms 103 :1-5

Praise the Lord, my soul;
    all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
Praise the Lord, my soul,
    and forget not all his benefits—
who forgives all your sins
    and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit
    and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things
    so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

First thing I did was prep my page borders with Gesso and let dry...I used a very light coat just enough for me to paint over.

After my Gesso dried I then apply a nice amount of  Acrylic paint in the color of Dark Yellow.

When my Acrylic paint dried I then started decorating the page. I add some black lines around the boarder and then stenciled some blue pokey dots along the border also. I use stickers for the word "Praise" and added a little tab to my page.

To change up my stickers I rubbed Gesso over them with my finger and let that dry. When it was good and dry I then used my small stamp pads in yellow and teal and went over my letters. I added a few other elements such as a few doodles and a hand made "the Lord" label. 

Finished Product:
Turned out pretty I think. This is probably one of my favorite things to do.
Thanks for looking and God Bless!!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Sick day off? Time to make ATCs!!

Today's project was making new Artist Trading Cards. First off let me tell you that I am in love with the Dylusions Ink Spray! I have only just discovered this and it is so fun. For these cards, I used old playing cards, doilies, paper towels, acrylic paints and stamps. I am still working on the two on the left. My favorite stamp of all time is probably the mason jar stamp on the right, today it is holding wishes. Wonder what I can put in the jar next time........

The finished Products:
This birdie ATC background was made with a paper towel that was painted and stamped on. I then glued it to a old playing card, added my bird die-cut and ribbon. Then I hand stamped and made the word Tweet. 

 This ATC background was made with an old playing card, dictionary page, doilies and acrylic paints. I then stamped a Mason Jar and filled it with wishes (aka star stamps) Handmade word wishes and a little washi tape and staple...Turned out cute!

This ATC background was made in the same manner as the above....just used yellow more.

Thanks for looking! God Bless!!

Hi Ya!

Hi! And welcome to my blog!! 
My name is Crystal and I love to craft. My nickname from a few of my dear friends is Crystal Chandelier hence the name of my blog. I have been crafting for years now and decided it was time to share my fun times with you all. I hope to share not only my crafting ideas, but also my life. I am a single mother of two beautiful girls. I am a Children's Program Director at my local library. So I have lots to be shared. Thanks for looking. Enjoy!!